Shoal Bay Smart Parking
All revenue generated from Smart Parking is reinvested into local projects. Smart Parking Infrastructure Plans are developed in partnership with the community to identify how the funds will be spent.
Six monthly report, ending 31 December 2024:
Catchment | Unspent income from 2024 financial year | Parking meter income | Running costs | Funds spent on projects or committed for future projects | Closing Balance |
Shoal Bay | $239,909 | $241,398 | -$62,147 | $- | $419,160 |
Note: This includes parking revenue on Crown Land & costs committed for infrastructure that has not been spent
Shoal Bay Precinct Smart Parking Infrastructure Projects
2023/2024 Projects
Car park upgrades, surface and line markings at the corner of Shoal Bay Road and Government Road Shoal Bay.
Smart lights, below ground conduits for future electric vehicle charging and CCTV at corner of Shoal Bay Road and Government Road Shoal Bay.
2027/2028 Projects
New drainage system and kerb and guttering in front of 55 Rigney Street to Fingal Street Shoal Bay.
Carpark formalisation (access realignment and associated works) at Bernie Thompson Park, Government Road Shoal Bay.
2029/2030 Projects
- Shared path from Harwood Avenue to Shoal Bay Road
- Shared path from Beach Road to end of existing path
Pavement reconstruction and kerb, gutter and footpath construction from Rigney St to Marine Drive Shoal Bay.
Create pedestrian friendly space in the town centre, including traffic circulation implementation.
2030/2031 Projects
Stage 2 - new car park and drainage improvements with potential trailer parking for Pozieres Park at Messines Street Shoal Bay
2034/2035 Projects
2 x viewing platforms created in Shoal Bay coastal areas (TBA).
Missing link pathway/shared pathway creation from Shoal Bay to Harwood Avenue, Nelson Bay
Shared path from Messines Street to Peterie Street Shoal Bay