Tilligerry Place Plan
In July 2023 we commenced engagement on the Tilligerry Place Plan with a series of community workshops and meetings with key stakeholders. A Place Plan recognises the values and priorities of a specific community and aims to strengthen your most important values and promote improvement opportunities. Place planning includes projects or ideas to create a more vibrant place that will be championed by you.
The Tilligerry Place Plan will cover all suburbs on the Tilligerry Peninsula including Oyster Cove, Tanilba Bay, Mallabula and Lemon Tree Passage.
We’d like to thank the participants that took part in the workshops; there were some promising ideas and discussions surrounding the short and long term plans of the Tilligerry that can be both community and Council led.
We’re now working through the process of preparing the draft actions. Once these actions are drafted, the workshop participants will have the opportunity to be reengaged and provide feedback through a check in process. Following this, the whole community will be given an opportunity to provide feedback on the draft plan during the exhibition period.
Town teams event
In May 2023, Port Stephens Council joined forces with the Town Teams Movement, a non-profit company that enables local communities and governments to connect, organise and act to regenerate the fabric of their neighbourhoods and to create better places.
Port Stephens Council was the first Council in NSW to actively promote the Town Teams approach, and we're proud to be working with the local community to create vibrant places that support social wellbeing and enhance liveability.
A series of Town Team launch events will be held in Tanilba Bay, where community members can learn more and discuss their ideas for community projects. Upcoming event dates and locations can be found below:
- Wednesday 15 May 2024 | 5:30pm to 7:30pm | Tanilba Bay Environment Centre – Reserve a spot
- Thursday 16 May 2024 | 12:30pm to 2:30pm | Tanilba Bay Environment Centre – Reserve a spot
Casual meetings will later be held in the community to progress some of these ideas. Should you wish to learn more on how to get involved please contact Dean Cracknell from Town Teams on 0468 38 1745 or email dean@townteammovement.com