Manufactured home estates and caravan parks

There are over 25 Manufactured Home estates and Caravan parks in the Port Stephens Local Government area. Council plays an important role in regulating these through the development application process, issuing of approvals to operate, and receiving notifications for the completion of works.

The main regulation governing caravan parks, camping grounds and manufactured home estates in New South Wales is the Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates, Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 2021.

Park owners and managers must:

  • ensure the park is operating under a current “Approval to Operate” and that this and the governing regulations and a current community map is available for park residents
  • ensure there are administrative and operational procedures in place so that statutory standards are met
  • ensure up to date records are maintained including site areas, designation of site boundaries, types of installations on the site, site coverage, design details and any engineers certificates
  • ensure the installation of all structures are in accordance with the regulations and that a final Notice of Completion is forwarded to Council within 7 days of completion
  • ensure that caravan parks and camping grounds keep a register of guests staying on the premises under clause 122 of the regulation.

All manufactured home estates, caravan parks and camping grounds are required to maintain a current Approval to Operate. The Approval is current for a defined period of time and is subject to renewals prior to them expiring. The Approvals must also be updated with Council should any details relating to ownership change.

The installation or modification of manufactured homes, relocatable homes or associated structures must be notified to Council through a Notice of Completion form. The holder of the Approval to Operate must forward the completed form to Council within seven days of completion of the structure.