Integrated plans

We use the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework to plan for the future and report on our progress to our community.

What are the integrated plans?

Community Strategic Plan

Our integrated planning starts with our community’s aspirations and priorities for the next 10 years, which are captured in our Community Strategic Plan (the Plan).
This plan outlines Council's role in delivering community's priorities and sets out how we will work with other levels of government and agencies to achieve them. The Community Strategic Plan supports community and stakeholders to play an active role in shaping the future of Port Stephens.

Delivery Program and Operational Plan

The Delivery Program sets out the Council's activities over a 4 year period to assist in achieving the Community Strategic Plan. It translates the Plan’s key directions/goals into clear actions. We report on the progress of the Delivery Program every 6 months.

The Operational Plan is an annual action plan to implement the Delivery Program. It includes what we will deliver, which area of Council is responsible for delivery, budgets, and fees and charges. We report on the progress of the Operational Plan in the Annual report.

Download the 2024 to 2025 Operational Plan Snapshot (PDF 11.8 MB) or view the complete delivery program and plan below:

How will we resource it? What we can do?

The Resourcing strategy outlines how Council will resource (with people, assets and finances) the community’s long-term vision and aspirations (Community Strategic Plan). It’s Council’s commitment to delivering quality services and infrastructure to our community.

The Resourcing Strategy consists of 3 inter-related components:

  • Long-Term Financial Plan
  • Workforce Management Strategy
  • Asset Management Plan

The Resourcing Strategy is a supporting document to the Community Strategic Plan focusing on items that are Council’s responsibility in terms of finances, workforce and assets. Council is however not the only source of funds for programs. Council funds are used to seed or match a range of other funding contributions such as developer contributions, commercial profits and government grants which are not always guaranteed

Fees and charges

Council charges and recovers approved fees for any services it provides — all fees are outlined in our schedule of fees and charges. This is in accordance with section 608 of the Local Government Act 1993 and other applicable legislation.

For more information view the fees and charges page.

How we measure success

We use 6 key measures to report on our performance:

  1. Service delivery
  2. Community satisfaction
  3. Employee wellbeing
  4. Risk management
  5. Financial sustainability
  6. Asset management

Targets for each of these measures are determined annually and are listed in the Delivery Program.

Previous Operational Plans

Reporting on performance

We are committed to open and transparent reporting. Council regularly reports on its performance to ensure the community is informed of our operations, achievements and progress in meeting community priorities. Our reporting documents include: