Williamtown DAREZ Land Use Strategy

The Williamtown Defence and Airport Related Employment Zone (DAREZ) Land Use Development Strategy was prepared by GHD Pty Ltd on behalf of the NSW Department of Planning in 2006. The Land Use and Development Strategy recommends a rezoning and future development for a business park, known as the DAREZ, in connection with the RAAF Base Williamtown and Newcastle Airport operations.

To enable the DAREZ strategy, NSW Government announced the Williamtown Special Activation Precinct (SAP) in 2020 to generate a defence and aerospace hub, boost the local economy and generate jobs for the region. The NSW Government is currently leading the master planning process in consultation with Council and the community. The final boundary of the SAP will be determined once the investigations are completed and the draft master plan goes on exhibition.

The strategic importance of the DAREZ:

  • Generate increased economic activity and support regional growth in the commercial, industrial and technological sectors;
  • Support the ongoing operation of RAAF Base Williamtown and Newcastle Airport;
  • Identify employment lands in close proximity to these existing Base and Airport facilities; and
  • Road links to Newcastle and the M1 Pacific Motorway.


  • Structure Plan that responds to the various assessments and offers a balance between viable development and the resolution of the most critical environmental planning issues applying to the site.
  • Rezoning of DAREZ Stage 1 as identified in the Port Stephens Local Environmental Plan 2013 and currently under construction as Astra Aerolab.
  • Development controls Framework as identified in Part D15 of the Port Stephens Development Control Plan 2014.


The Williamtown Defence and Airport Related Employment Zone (DAREZ) Land Use Development Strategy consists of 3 volumes: