Protecting our environment from weeds

We take a proactive approach to revegetating and rehabilitating land we own or manage. We look after this land to improve its environmental value or minimise a biosecurity impact.

Find about our role under the Biosecurity Act, pesticides and herbicides we use and aquatic weed treatments.

Biosecurity Act

Under the Biosecurity Act 2015, we are responsible for managing weeds and pests on our land — we act as the Local Control Authority within Port Stephens. Our role is to investigate, educate, control, inspect and undertake compliance if required.

Pesticides and herbicides

We use pesticides and herbicides to manage and minimise the impacts of pests and weeds.

Relevant documents:
Herbicides used by Council:

Our use of Glyphosate

We will continue to review our use of Roundup based on information available and seek other alternatives as they become accessible. We actively ensure that we do not introduce another hazard or risk upon users and members of the public.

All herbicides (including Glyphosate) that are used in Port Stephens, are heavily regulated under the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA).

About Glyphosate:
  • all purpose plant herbicide
  • comes in many strength variations
  • some variations are aquatic safe while others are not, ensure you use the correct variation
  • not ideal for lawns or to promote desired competitive species
  • good for use on alligator weed, path edges, fence lines and more.

  • a wood weedy herbicide like lantana, blackberry or even fireweed
  • comes in a granular form and you may need to add a wetting agent
  • can be used with a permit in aquatic situations
  • can be hard to measure small amounts

  • broadleaf herbicide
  • the only herbicide available to control chinese violet
  • can be used to control bindies and lawn weeds

  • used on tussock grass like Giant Parramatta grass
  • remains in the soil to treat new plant seedlings
  • can form a part of a sustainable farming rescheme

  • broadleaf herbicide for woody and non-pasture weeds
  • has a short residual life, allowing for replanting
  • doesn’t harm pasture grasses
  • can be used as foliar spray or basal bark
  • can be used for St. John's wort or Wandering Jew

  • fast acting
  • large target weed range
  • great against Paterson's curse, thistles and fireweed
  • no withholding period for grazing (with exceptions)

  • best bush regenerate herbicide
  • gel applicator
  • no mixing
  • use on vines and tree for cut/scrape and paint applications
  • use on Cat's claw creeper or African olive

  • use on tough to kill weeds like Prickly pear
  • mix with diesel to create a strong basal bark
  • fast acting

Aquatic weeds

To control the impact of weeds, we undertake regular treatments of drains, dams, creeks and rivers. These treatments have no effect on drinking water and are only targeted at vegetation growing in the water or weeds growing on the banks.

Herbicide Environmental Protection Licence

We hold a current Environmental Protection Licence which applies to the use of herbicides in the waterways of Port Stephens.

Our licence conditions require:

  • treatment undertaken by trained staff
  • equipment is well maintained
  • only approved aquatic herbicide is used and detailed records kept
  • warning signs are used in areas being treated
  • notification is given to surrounding property
  • Seaham Weir pool is monitored
  • Council record and manage complaints and public enquiries regarding water treatment.

The licence allows for the following herbicides to be used over water:

  • Glyphosate — 1000 (µg/L)
  • Metsulfuron-methyl — 40 (µg/L)
  • Diquat — 7(µg/L)
Seaham Weir water monitoring data

We are required to sample water at Seaham Weir. We take samples at 3 sites to ensure no herbicide contamination enters the drinking water draw-off point.

Collection dateMonitoring point 1Monitoring point 2Monitoring point 3