
If you would like to add or change a listing, please email

All Access Beach – Fingal Beach

Fingal Beach is an all access beach with a mobi-mat beach access mat, which allows access for all wheeled chairs including ordinary wheelchairs, strollers and the like. Fingal Beach also has beach wheelchairs which can be loaned out free of charge.

Ask Izzy

When you’re looking for support, Ask Izzy can help you to find the services you need, now and nearby. It is free and anonymous, and you can search over 360,000 services to find housing, meals, healthcare, counselling, legal advice, addiction treatment and more.

Awabakal Aboriginal Medical Service

Awabakal’s Medical Service is an Aboriginal community-controlled health service, which aims to deliver culturally-appropriate primary health care services, advocacy and social and emotional support to Aboriginal people and their families in our community.

Bolton Clarke at Home Support

Care For You At Home

ConnectAbility Australia

Cyber Safety

Scams can be, but are not limited to, over the phone, text message or email. Look out for generic greetings, mismatched font in the one email, a strange looking phone number and if you have to identify yourself.


EnableU is a trusted provider of quality home care and therapeutic services in Australia. Led by a leadership team with extensive clinical expertise, we empower independence by delivering high-quality, daily, and therapeutic care in the comfort of our clients’ homes. We are a goal and client-focused organisation, catering to older adults, people with disabilities, those with complex conditions, and more.

Our services extend beyond assistance with daily life and home care supports to include clinical and allied health supports, such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing, and assessments. As an Approved Home Care and Registered NDIS Provider, our services are accredited and meet the safety, compliance, and regulatory standards set by Australia's governing bodies.

Our promise is simple—your well-being and quality of life are at the heart of everything we do.

Seniors Road Safety

Do you know what happens with your driver’s licence as you get older? Want to hear about maintaining mobility and independence? Are you up to date on commonly misunderstood road rules?

Contact Council if you would like our Road Safety Officer to speak at your seniors meeting or retirement village on 4988 0527.

Family and Community Services — Seniors

Feros Care

  • Level 3, The Strand, 72-80 Marine Parade, Coolangatta QLD 4225
  • 1300 763 583

Friendship Group

Would you like to widen your friendships and take part in activities with like-minded people? The Port Stephens Friendship Group might just be the group for you. Social activities are the basis of this Group and there should be something for you to enjoy.

For over 20-years, our members have shared the group's friendship whilst enjoying activities such as Dining, Barbecues, Movies, Lawn Bowls, Day Trips, Walks and Trips Away. The Group meets on the last Tuesday of each month at 5pm at the Nelson Bay Bowling Club Meetings generally include an interesting guest speaker and are followed by dining within the Club.

  • Nelson Bay Bowling Club, 1 Stockton St, Nelson Bay NSW 2315
  • Keith Hobbs Mob: 0417 439 632

Guparr Aboriginal Men’s and Youth Shed

Harbourside Haven Retirement Village, Nursing Home and Hostels

Home Care Nursing

Homecare Repair Australia

  • 1800 155 166

Hunter Nursing

Providing community nursing and domestic support services to older people, veterans and people with disabilities in the Hunter.

Hunter Region Botanic Gardens

Get out in nature, meet more green thumbs and help our gardens grow. Be a guide, help with propagation and conservation or get your hands dirty in the garden.

Hunter Volunteer Centre

integratedliving Australia

Karuah Local History Group

Formed to gather the stories, family histories and history of our community of Carrington, Swan Bay, Bucket’s Way, Limeburners Creek, Allworth, Booral, Girvan, The Branch, Nerong and, of course, Karuah.

Karuah River Men’s Shed

Libraries, Stories and Art Space Volunteers

Port Stephens library volunteers assist in children’s programs, book shelving, book care and exhibitions in the Art Space. Stories in the street volunteers visit families at home and read stories to children aged 0-5yrs.

Marlin Day Centre

Medowie Lions Club Inc.

Mobility Parking

There’s a number of Disability Parking spaces available in the Port Stephens area. A Mobility Permit Holder can park in spaces marked with a symbol for people with disabilities. The permit also provides parking concessions in other spaces if a marked space is unavailable. Mobility parking permits are coordinated through your doctor and Service NSW.

Murook Cultural Centre

Cultural workshops including didgeridoo workshops, boomerang art, beading and weaving workshops are run by the Worimi local Aboriginal Land Council at Murook Cultural Centre at Williamtown.

My Aged Care

If you need some help around the house or think it’s time to look into aged care homes, My Aged Care is here to help.

Nelson Bay and District Senior Citizens Social and Welfare Club

Nelson Bay and District Social and Welfare Club is a vibrant club which always welcomes new members and visitors. Its aim is a good social life where members can keep learning, giving and having fun doing what they enjoy, while keeping healthy and alert.

Meetings are held at 1:30pm every Saturday at the Nelson Bay Bowling and Recreation Club. Indoor bowls is held at 1pm every Tuesday and Hoi is held at 1:30pm every Thursday.

Nelson Bay VIEW Club

  • Soldiers Point Bowling Club, Soldiers Point NSW 2317
  • Denise Clark 02 4981 5151

Nelson Head Heritage Light House Cottage and Reserve

In 1875, the headland was chosen as the lighthouse site because it provided the best views of the extensive waters of the Port. The site includes the lighthouse, cottage, tea rooms and museum.


NovaCare is a Hunter based, not for profit organisation who are focused on a whole of life approach for seniors in their home, health and happiness, and to staying connected with their community. This means living in their own home, leading the life they choose, doing the things they love and kicking goals. The organisation began in Merewether over 30 years ago and today services reach into homes throughout Port Stephens, Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and the Lower Hunter.

Parks, Reserves and Landcare

Parks, reserve and landcare groups provide assistance with the maintenance of local parks and reserves as well as bush regeneration, habitat improvement and weeding activities.

Port Stephens Community Arts Centre

Watercolour art classes at the Port Stephens Community Arts Centre and held every Monday 1 to 3:30pm. Come together and share the enjoyment of painting, produce art for the various exhibitions in the gallery while having fun along the way. New members are always welcome.

Port Stephens Family and Neighbourhood Services

This service connects volunteers to the community where help is needed. Register to become a volunteer, meet like-minded people and help those in need.

Port Stephens Historical Society

This society aims to encourage the study of and research into the history of the Port Stephens district and adjacent areas.

Port Stephens U3A

U3A is a community organisation that promotes healthy aging by helping people who have retired from full-time work to pursue their interests through sharing educational, creative and leisure activities provided by their own members. There are no qualifications for membership. U3As offer members three kinds of valuable experience: a range of courses, some forms of physical exercise and the opportunity for social links and interactions.

Port Stephens Veterans and Citizens Aged Care

Probus Club of Port Stephens

Probus — Combined Probus Club of Fingal Bay

A mixed gender club offering a range of activities like morning teas, walking, book club and dinners. Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month from 9:30am.

  • Fingal Bay Sports and Recreation Club, 10 Rocky Point Road, Fingal Bay
  • Graeme Paul — 0481 231 340
  • Jenny Wright — 0421 417 145

Probus — Combined Probus Club of Medowie

A mixed gender club for residents of Medowie and Raymond Terrace offering a range of activities to ensure retirement days are all about fun and friendship. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month from 10am.

  • Medowie Community Hall, Ferodale Road opposite Woolworths
  • Diann Colman — 0427 474 909
  • Geoffrey Hamilton — 0418 639 937

Probus Club of Nelson Bay

The first Probus club in Port Stephens has always been a men's only club, but welcomes the involvement of members' partners in their social outings and activities. The club offers a variety of activities such as dinners, lunches, day trips and further afield. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month from 9:30am.

Probus — Nelson Bay Ladies Probus Club

A smaller club that has always been ladies only. Activities include lunches and outings, trips away, morning teas and interesting guest speakers. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month from 10am.

Probus — Tilligerry Peninsula Combined Probus Club

A mixed gender club for those living on the Tilligerry Peninsula in Tanilba Bay, Mallabula or Lemon Tree Passage. Activities include outings, theatre parties, carpet bowls, ten pin bowling, minigolf, walking, dining out and trips away. Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month from 10am.

Probus Club of Tomaree

A longstanding Probus Club for men only but members' partners are included in many of the social activities. Activities include BBQs and brunch on the beachfront, wine appreciation, dining out, travel, snooker, computer group and investment group. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month from 9:30am.

  • Nelson Bay Bowling Club, 1 Stockton St, Nelson Bay NSW 2315
  • Bryan Gibson —  0403 070 519
  • Denis Pittorino — 0413 279 202

Probus — Tomaree Ladies Probus Club

A ladies club which enjoys fun meetings with inspiring speakers, followed by organised lunches. Activities also include trips and outings. Partners are always welcome at lunches and tour groups. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month from 9:30am.

  • Nelson Bay Bowling Club, 1 Stockton St, Nelson Bay NSW 2315
  • Margaret Tompson — 0425 200 769
  • Julie McAllister — 02 4984 6508

Public MLAK accessible toilets

Port Stephens area has a number of public MLAK accessible toilets. These sites include:

  • Nelson Bay Visitor Information Centre, 60 Victoria Parade Nelson Bay
  • Nelson Bay beach next to the Cruise Booking Office, Victoria Parade, Nelson Bay
  • Little Beach, Dixon Street
  • Corlette – on the beach near corner of Foreshore Drive and Sandy Point Road
  • Anna Bay Shops
  • Fingal Bay Rugby Club
  • Bagnalls Beach
  • Roy Wood Reserve, Corlette

MLAK keys can be purchased from Council.

Quality Care

Providing quality services to Port Stephens for disability, aged care, community access, personal care, respite, domestic assistance and more.

Raymond Terrace and District Historical Society

A volunteer group bringing together people who share a love for their heritage and admire the achievements of people of the past. The Society is always happy to welcome new members from the community.

Raymond Terrace Men's Shed

Raymond Terrace Senior Citizens Association

Company and friendship of seniors. Come join us, we will make you welcome. Enjoy bingo, BBQs, trips, holidays and coach tours with like-minded people. Membership is only $10 per year — fees apply.

Rivergum Kinship Carers

A volunteer group who help and support grandparents as parents and all kinship carers when they take family member’s children into care. Meet every  Friday 10am to 12:30pm at Kings Park Sporting Complex Raymond Terrace.

Salamander Men’s Shed

Scope Home Access

Seaside Singers Community Choir

Service NSW

Service NSW offers a range of concessions, rebates and assistance to people from all walks of life.

SES - In an emergency

The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) is a group that assists in flood, storm and fire emergencies.

  • Port Stephens SES Pacific Hwy Ferodale on 132 500

Shopping Centre Wheelchair at Salamander Bay

A wheelchair can be borrowed for shopping and is available from the Salamander Shopping Centre Central office.

Sketchley Pioneer Cottage and Museum

Sketchley Cottage is a rare timber colonial slab farm house, built in about 1840. The museum displays a diverse range of items from a collection of farm equipment, tools and working blacksmith’s shop, to household and personal items.

Tanilba Bay and District Senior Citizens and Pensioners Association

Mondays — craft from 9:30am to 12 midday, indoor carpet bowls from 1:15 to 4:30pm
Tuesdays — housie from 10am to 12 midday
Wednesdays — line dancing from 9 to 10:30am, canasta and bridge from 10am to 4pm
Saturdays — indoor carpet bowls from 1:15 to 4:30pm  
Library open during activities. Other activities available on request, as well as regular bus trips and social luncheons.

TeleCHAT — Red Cross

The Ngioka Centre

The Ngioka Centre provides an opportunity for volunteers to grow and care for native plants in partnership with Council. These plants are used by our groups for their activities in local parks and reserves. Volunteering opportunities include horticulture, gardening and maintenance.

Tilligerry Men’s Shed

Tomago House

Established in the 1840s, Tomago House is a country residence with fine verandahs and cool cellars. The grounds feature a pretty stone chapel that is still used for weddings today.

Tomaree Family History Group Nelson Bay

Tomaree Family History Group Nelson Bay Inc. is interested in both family history in the local area and members’ interests worldwide. Members work on both group and individual projects.

Uniting Care Ageing — Hunter Community Care

Volunteering in Port Stephens

Whether you want to make a hands-on contribution, gain new skills, help others, share your own knowledge and experiences, or just stay active and form new friendships, Port Stephens Council may have just the right thing for you.

Wahroonga Aboriginal Corporation

This service connects local Indigenous families and individuals to the services and programs they need.

Water Wheelchair and Beach Access Ramp, Little Beach

Council offers a disability access ramp at Little Beach, Nelson Bay which provides access to the water via a water wheelchair. The beach boasts lovely  golden sand and disability play equipment, making this a perfect spot for families to enjoy the Bay.

Wheel Out, Wheel in Bin Service

Port Stephens Council and Suez provide a Wheel Out, Wheel In bin service for elderly or sick residents who require assistance in taking their household bins out to the street.

Wesley Mission Care Finder Services

Fully funded through Primary Health Networks, Wesley care finder services are provided free and connect older people to quality aged care services. Care finders can help with conducting assessments, identifying needs and helping older people understand what services are available to them.