Port Stephens Local strategic planning statement
The Port Stephens Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) (PDF 5MB) sets out the vision for land use in Port Stephens over the next 20 years.
It identifies the special character and values of our area that we should preserve and how we'll manage change.
The LSPS was adopted by Council on 14 July 2020 and implements actions and priorities from:
Key focus areas
The LSPS has 4 key outcomes — economy, housing, environment and transport. Each focus area has its own planning priorities and actions.
- Support the growth of strategic centres and major employment areas
- Make business growth easier
- Support tourism development and attract events
- Ensure suitable land supply
- Increase diversity of housing choice
- Plan infrastructure to support communities
- Conserve biodiversity values and corridors
- Improve resilience to hazards and climate change
- Protect and preserve productive agricultural land
- Create people friendly spaces where people can come together
- Integrate land use and transport planning
- Enhance inter-regional connections.
- Port Stephens Local Strategic Planning Statement (PDF 5MB)
- LSPS Structure Plan (PDF 25MB)
Context and reporting
The LSPS will inform future amendments to the Port Stephens Local Environmental Plan 2013 (LEP 2013) and Port Stephens Development Control Plan 2014 (DCP 2014) and other local strategies, plans and polices.
We will monitor and report on the actions as part of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. The LSPS will be reviewed every 4 years at the same time as the Community Strategic Plan.
The Port Stephens Planning Strategy 2011 (PDF 5MB) was repealed when the LSPS was adopted by Council.