Development applications on exhibition
Development applications on exhibition
View the development applications currently on exhibition below and find out how to make a submission.
View information
You can also view information at:
- — Enter the ‘Application Year’ (document year), ‘Application Number’ (document number), and ‘Application Type’ (development application) in the search fields.
- Council’s Administration Building at 116 Adelaide Street, Raymond Terrace between the hours of 9am and 5pm weekdays.
Make a submission
Submissions can be made in any format which is able to be sent via email and is less than 10mb in size — including video or audio. Send your submission to:
- PO BOX 42 Raymond Terrace NSW 2324 or
Development applications already determined
Development Applications determined from 20 to 26 January 2025:
Suburb | Lot/DP | Address | Proposal | File No. |
ANNA BAY | LOT: 442 DP: 17775 | 162 Gan Gan Road | Demolition, Alterations and Additions to Existing Dwelling | 492/2024 |
ANNA BAY | LOT: 231 DP: 1078973 | 6 Campbell Avenue | One into Six Lot Strata Subdivision | 598/2024 |
CORLETTE | LOT: 559 DP: 775250 | 24 Portside Crescent | Detached dwelling (one existing dwelling), 1 into 2 lot Torrens title subdivision and retaining wall | 494/2024 |
FULLERTON COVE | LOT: 1 DP: 270695 | 6 The Cove Drive | S4.55 1(A) 169 Unit Seniors Housing - modify condition 95 | 2105/2003 |
MEDOWIE | LOT: 113 DP: 1200970 | 25 Pastures Drive | Storage Shed/Workshop | 16/2025 |
MEDOWIE | LOT: 4 DP: 1297963 | 5D Ferodale Road | Single Storey Dwelling | 692/2024 |
NELSON BAY | LOT: 106 DP: 27081 | 61 Government Road | Dual occupancy (attached), 1 into 2 lot Torrens Title subdivision, earthworks, and retaining walls. | 482/2024 |
SALAMANDER BAY | LOT: 8 DP: 818962 | 126 George Road | Demolition works and construction of a new self-storage unit building including an advertising sign and associated works | 442/2024 |
SALAMANDER BAY | LOT: 7 DP: 818962 | 128 George Road | Demolition works and construction of a new self-storage unit building including an advertising sign and associated works | 442/2024 |
SALAMANDER BAY | LOT: 97 DP: 715013 | 125 Salamander Way | S4.55(1A) Modification to Dual occupancy, alterations and additions to existing dwelling, swimming pool and associated site works - Internal reconfiguration, amended roof design for main dwelling and rear alfresco area | 550/2023 |
SHOAL BAY | LOT: 16 SEC: E DP: 9686 | 98 Horace Street | Alterations and additions to existing dwelling | 565/2024 |
TANILBA BAY | LOT: 818 DP: 10716 | 10 Lloyd George Grove | Detached Shed | 9/2025 |
TANILBA BAY | LOT: 2 DP: 548644 | 30 Caswell Crescent | Single storey dwelling and removal of existing selected trees | 281/2024 |
TANILBA BAY | LOT: 2 DP: 1295251 | 49A President Poincare Parade | Semi-detached dwellings and 1 into 2 Lot Torrens Title Subdivision | 515/2024 |
TAYLORS BEACH | LOT: 7 DP: 1013999 | 13 Shearwater Drive | Strata Subdivision | 6/2025 |
WALLALONG | LOT: 6 SEC: 2 DP: 976226 | 72 High Street | Shed | 632/2024 |