Health (including mental health) services

If you would like to add or change a listing, please email

Ask Izzy

When you’re looking for support, Ask Izzy can help you to find the services you need, now and nearby. It is free and anonymous, and you can search over 360,000 services to find housing, meals, healthcare, counselling, legal advice, addiction treatment and a whole lot more.

AIDS Council of NSW (ACON) — Hunter Branch

ACON provides community health, inclusion and HIV responses for people of diverse sexualities and genders.

Al-Anon Family Groups

Alcoholism, alcohol abuse and problem drinking affect thousands of families in Australia and worldwide.

Amputees and Associates Newcastle and Northern Region

The Amputee Association of NSW is a not-for-profit organisation run by amputees for amputees.

Australian Arthrogryposis Group (TAAG)

The Australian Arthrogryposis Group (TAAG) was started in 1990 by a group of parents who have children with arthrogryposis. The birth of a child with a disability can be a devastating experience for the family involved and the rarity of this condition may make the family feel extremely isolated.

Beyond Blue

Black Dog Institute

Brighter Futures — The Benevolent Society

Brighter Futures supports families experiencing issues including domestic violence, mental health and difficult child behaviour.

Break Thru People Solutions

Cancer Council NSW

CanTeen — Hunter and Northern NSW

CanTeen provides 12 to 24 year olds with a place where they can simply be young people, away from the daily pressures of living with cancer in a hospital or at home.

Carer Assist

When you’re looking after a family member who is living with a mental illness, it can take its toll on your own health, wellbeing and life goals. Ensure you get the support and respite you need so you can be the best version of yourself for your loved one.

Cerebral Palsy Alliance

Child and Family Health Team

Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centre (CRCC)

The Commonwealth Respite and Carelink Centres (CRCC) provide information about respite options and other support services in the local areas, provide a link to these services and assist carers to access short-term and emergency respite support.

Dementia Advisory Service — integratedliving

Dementia Support Australia

Early Links

EDUCARE Specialist Services


Firstchance can support you in assisting your child’s progress through a range of early childhood interventions and school aged programs.

Headspace Newcastle

Health Care Complaints Commission

Health Prelude Early Intervention

Hunter Primary Care

Hunter Women's Centre

  • 60 Industrial Drive (Corner Avon Street), Mayfield 2304
  • 02 4968 2511


Life can be hard and lonely, up and down at the best of times. It can help to talk to someone. We offer free and confidential counselling services for 12-21 year olds in The Port Stephens Region.

  • Jupiter: 7 Community Close Salamander Bay NSW 2317
  • Jupiter "Tilli Place": Shop 4, Kooindah Centre, President Wilson Walk Tanilba Bay NSW 2319
  • 0490 716 265

Kaleidoscope — Child and Family Health Nursing

Leukaemia Foundation

Lifeline — crisis support

Maitland Vision Loss Support Group

Maitland Vision Loss Support Group meets on the first Friday of each month at 10am and has interesting guest speakers, outings and other social activities that allow sharing experiences as well as a chance to interact with others.

Marlin Day Centre

  • Nelson Bay Polyclinic, Gowrie Avenue, Nelson Bay NSW 2315
  • 02 4984 0730

Meniere's Australia

Mental Health Carers — ARAFMI Hunter

ARAFMI Hunter offers support and free counselling to the families and friends of people experiencing mental illness.

Mental Health Line

The Mental Health Line offers professional help and advice, as well as referrals to local mental health services.

Motor Neurone Disease Association of NSW

National Hearing Care (NHC)

Nelson Bay Community Health Service

  • Nelson Bay Polyclinic, Gowrie Avenue, Nelson Bay NSW 2315
  • 02 4984 0730

New Horizons

NSW Health — Hunter New England Local Health District

Open Arms

Oracle Psychology

Pearl Home Care Newcastle and Hunter

Pearl Home care offers a range of services such as in-home nursing, disability support, post-hospital care, daily assistance, social support, domestic help, maintenance, and private nursing care.

Our highly trained caregivers and registered nurses work with care recipients to set goals, gain confidence, complete tasks more easily, and enhance their social connections and well-being.

Port Stephens Community Drug Action Team

Supporting families, friends and carers of those with dependency on drugs or alcohol.

Port Stephens Family and Neighborhood Services

Port Stephens Complementary Health Services Association

Port Stephens Parkinson's Support Group

People living with Parkinson’s, their family and carers are welcome to join our support group. The group meets on the third Friday of the month for a group lunch or a meeting with a guest speaker. We have a Carers morning tea once a month and a twice weekly exercise program.

Port Stephens Suicide Prevention Network

Port Stephens Women's Cancer Support Group

A not-for-profit group run by volunteers to assist women with any form of cancer, and their partners, through every stage of their journey. The group can help with transport to treatment in Newcastle, house cleaning, lawn mowing, dog walking and child care.

Raymond Terrace Community Health Centre

Raymond Terrace Waratah Slimmers

The Raymond Terrace Waratah Slimmers meet every Monday night from 6:30pm at the Raymond Terrace Senior Citizens Hall. All are welcome — if you would like to join or find out more information, please contact us.

  • Raymond Terrace Senior Citizens Hall, 17E Irrawang Street, Raymond Terrace NSW
  • 0401 793 247


Salt Ash Slimmers

The Salt Ash Slimmers meet every Tuesday at 10am and 7pm.

Soldiers Point Slimmers

All Welcome. Meeting held every Wednesday evening at Soldiers Point Bowling Club commencing 5:30pm.

One off membership fee of $8 plus $2 per week.  Please contact our Committee via email for more information:

Strive Hive Psychology

Stroke Recovery Association NSW

The Stroke Recovery Association of NSW aims to maximise the recovery of individuals who have suffered a stroke and reduce the impact on their family/carers and the community.

Suicide Call Back Service

Suicide Call Back Service is a nationwide service that provides professional 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people who are affected by suicide.

TeleCHAT — Red Cross

The Royal Society for the Blind

The Royal Society for the Blind (RSB) provides services to people who have a severe vision impairment.

The Warrior Within Project

The Warrior Within Project aims to help people rediscover the colour in their lives, through a holistic health and wellbeing program tailored around the individual's needs and goals. Developing the mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual capacity of a person, allows them to live more freely, independently and in alignment with their goals and aspirations, a simple framework for a great life.

Tilligerry Child Health Centre

Tomaree Breast Cancer Support Group

Tomaree Community Hospital Auxiliary

Tomaree Nursing Service

Tomaree Prostate Cancer Support Group

Vision Australia

Vision Australia supports thousands of people who are blind or have low vision, of all ages, in the home, school or at work so they can live the life they choose.


Yacaaba Centre

Yacaaba Centre's vision is to be a leading service provider of specialist homelessness services in the Port Stephens. It partners with other agencies to provide a "no wrong door" approach for people who are homeless, at imminent risk of homelessness or who are suffering as a result of abuse within the home, either currently or in the past.