Step 2: Prepare your DA
The pre-lodgement stage is the front end of the development assessment process. If you get the front end right you are likely to have a simple DA process.
Giving council an assessment-ready application with all required information will not ‘guarantee’ approval—however, it will promote an efficient process, saving time and money for both you and Council.
Get Informed
The development potential of your site is determined by its characteristics and the planning controls that apply to it.
There are several ways you can determine the controls that apply to your site.
- A planning certificate lists the planning instruments that apply to your land. If you have recently purchased your site, you may have a planning certificate, as they form part of the sale contract. Otherwise you can purchase one from council directly. The information contained within the planning certificate is generic and gives a high level overview.
- For a more in depth assessment of the site, visit the NSW eSpatial Viewer, and NSW Six Maps. The eSpatial Viewer gives you the ability to download a free report and interactive map which provides a simple overview of the key planning controls that apply to your site.
- Use Council's online GIS mapping. Council’s website is a great source of planning information and specifically deals with the controls that apply to your local area.
Understanding your site and how it fits into the neighbourhood
When you are planning and designing your project, you should analyse your site and how it relates to development on adjoining lands and the streetscape. This will help you understand its development capacity.
A Site Analysis plan shows the key characteristics of your site and its relationship to adjoining land. The plan will show information such as: the path of the sun; the location of buildings, trees and other key features on both your site and adjoining sites (including the street); and considers the relationship to your neighbours (such as privacy and overshadowing). The slope of the land, creeks and drainage are key issues which can impact how and where you can build on your land.
Your street will have its own character, which is created by the lot size and shape, the form of buildings (e.g. setbacks, height) and the landscape character. There may also be heritage values due to the age and style of buildings. A Site Analyses will help ensure that any development you undertake fits within that character.
A Site Analysis can be carried out by an architect, draftsperson or designer.
Site analysis is the key to good design
Does my development sit comfortably in the neighbourhood?
Project homes can be a cost effective and simple way to get a new home. When choosing a project home make sure you consider:
- The frontage and depth of your lot and the setbacks that apply.
- It is right for your site.
- It makes best use of your site’s attributes like solar access, street access, slope etc.
You should also be aware of the cost implications if you need to change the plans to suit your site or if you have to do extensive site works.
Putting your team together
In preparing your DA you may need an architect or building designer to prepare (and cost) your plans, plus a number of specialists, depending on your site and your proposal e.g. land surveyor, engineer, town planner.
Please note: Council cannot recommend professional service providers under our Code of Conduct. It is recommended that you use web searches for the relevant service provider (i.e. town planner), and analyse the recent reviews of the noted businesses or providers. Otherwise, you can find experienced people by:
- Talking to friends and neighbours who have done similar work.
- Looking at similar designs locally and asking the owners.
- Searching at professional organisation registration websites.
- Looking at consultants used by others on Council’s DA tracking system.
As you move to construction you will need a principal certifying authority (council or private), a principal contractor (builder) and any relevant sub-contractors.
For smaller, less complicated developments like residential sheds, decks, and change of use, you may be able to provide these plans and basic planning reports yourself.
The requirement for plans is to be of a professional standard (clearly marked, a north point, to scale, and accurate). For basic planning reports such as a Statement of Environmental Effects (SoEE), Council has templates to give you a really good head start on preparing these documents.
Pre-lodgement meetings with Council
Port Stephens Council offers a pre-lodgement meeting for more complex, detailed, or large-scale developments that require advice or clarification on requirements prior to submitting a Development Application (DA). It is recommended to seek draft plans and/or independent planning advice before requesting a pre-lodgement meeting.
Please note that pre-lodgement meetings incur a fee according to the Port Stephens Schedule of Fees and Charges, effective from the date the payment is due.
Depending upon the complexity of your proposal, once you have gathered information you can:
- Request advice from a duty planner by calling 4988 0225, using the online form or by coming to the Council administration building. Duty planning advice is generally high level and for smaller scale development.
- If you'd like to know about zoning or other site constraints in a property, Council has online an mapping portal at NSW Government also provides an online mapping for zoning and site constraints for all of NSW .
- A formal pre-lodgement meeting is encouraged where there is a specific contentious issue (e.g. heritage, flooding, stormwater constraints) or there's specific advice required from Council to give a prospective position before lodgement, which would inform design or suitability.
Building a home can be expensive. In your budget, you should consider all potential additional costs which may apply to your development. These could include:
- The DA fee, including the cost of referral to state government agencies.
- The construction certificate fee and fees incurred in the building process including inspections, engineer’s certificates etc.
- Development contributions payable for state and local services.
- Conditions that may be imposed by council such as bonds to cover damage to roads, environmental clean ups, or dilapidation surveys of attached properties.
- Water and other service connections.
- Using our new smart fee service, you can get a quote by emailing or calling 02 4988 0255.
Get in touch if you'd like to discuss these costs. Council's fees are charged in line with our Fees and Charges Schedule and are based on the estimated cost of works for the development.
Get talking to your neighbours
When you are preparing your plans think about how it will look from and impact on ‘next door’ and across the street.
Once you have a clear idea of your proposal, you should discuss it with your neighbours. Ideally, you should contact them early in the process. Consider issues such as privacy, solar access, views and visual impacts – especially if you are proposing to vary the LEP standards.
Most councils have a notification policy and will notify your direct neighbours once the DA is lodged.
Prepare your DA
The type of information accompanying a DA will vary depending on your proposal and site – when you speak to your council in the pre-lodgement stage you will be advised of the information they require. This may include:
- The owner’s consent (if you are not the owner).
- A Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE).
- Site survey.
- Site analysis (see Figure 2).
- A BASIX Certificate – A BASIX certificate is an energy efficiency report for a new home or alterations and additions greater than $50,000 that demonstrates its sustainability.
- Other plans such as landscape or drainage plans.
- Specific technical reports required by state agencies.
For more information, review Council's supporting documentation guide.
Key point – Address all relevant matters in your application
Your DA should address all relevant matters, up-front, in your Statement of Environmental Effects. This will help to avoid additional information requests and will help to ensure an efficient and smooth process.