Operating your business on Council land
Businesses in Port Stephens may lease Council managed land for commercial purposes. Our parks, foreshores, beaches and bushland reserves can be leased to businesses for recreational activities, tourism and educational purposes.
We offer the use of water-based or land-based sites for businesses purposes.
These need to be in accordance with our Commercial Operators Policy.
Opportunities available
Below are commercial locations available for lease. Green sites are available, yellow sites are currently being leased but there may be an opportunity for further operators.
How to apply for an available site
Expressions of interest for commercial operators are now closed.
Review the relevant guidelines and policy:
Select a location from the map above or identify an alternative site.
View pages 21 to 24 of our fees and charges (PDF 3MB) or search our online portal at fees.portstephens.nsw.gov.au
Complete the relevant application form:
Complete the supporting documentation. We've provided templates below:
If you require a business plan template, please email commercialoperators@portstephens.nsw.gov.au
Submit your application to commercialoperators@portstephens.nsw.gov.au
Applications will be assessed by an internal review panel and successful applicants will be notified by email.
Our current operators
If you would like to add or change a listing, please email communications@portstephens.nsw.gov.au.
- Neil Carol Park, Nelson Bay
- First and third Sunday of each month from 6am
- One Mile and Birubi Beach, Anna Bay
- Dutchman's Beach Reserve, Nelson Bay
- Fingal Bay Foreshore Reserve, Fingal Bay