Nelson Bay Smart Parking

The Smart Parking Infrastructure Plans were developed in partnership with the community to decide how the funds will be spent.

Revenue from Nelson Bay and Little Beach Smart Parking will help to fund projects in the Nelson Bay precinct.

For the month ending 31 December 2024:

Parking Meter
(Ex GST)
Running Costs
(Ex GST)
Costs +
Nelson Bay378,056767,949(270,257)(246,002) 629,746

Note: This includes parking revenue on Crown Land & costs committed for infrastructure that has not been spent

Annual Place Activation allocation

Our place activation program is aimed at increase visitor numbers and experience. Here's the place activation activities we've completed so far, thanks to smart parking revenue.

  • It’s On small event activations including Zumba, Lunchtime Acoustics, Bootcamp,  Kids Zone
  • It's On! This season including street decorations and event activations
  • It's On! Sunset Cinema Series
  • It's On! Youth Week
  • It's On! Whale Season
  • Donald Street Mural
  • New street banners
  • Yacaaba Street Art walk, outdoor art exhibition space

Smart Parking Infrastructure Projects

2020/2021 Projects

We've conducted a thorough review of existing town centre parking restrictions to assess their consistency and effectiveness.

To improve traffic flow and safety, we've converted Yacaaba and Stockton Streets into one-way streets from Donald to Tomaree Streets.

The disused and structurally damaged multi-storey carpark at Donald Street East was demolished  in late October 2019.

Following the demolition of the existing carpark, we designed and constructed a new carpark at Donald Street East.

2021/2022 Projects

Parking meter expansion covering the town centre.

Stockton and Tomaree Street carpark (former service station site) leased site to allow adhoc, unmetered parking.

Pavement marking all car parking spaces within the town centre.

To improve pedestrian safety, we have expanded the 40km/h high pedestrian area.

We have updated shared zone pavement markings and signage to reflect current guidelines.

We have implemented sensors, apps, and signage for parking management.

We have modernised parking meters with 'pay by plate' technology for a more convenient and efficient parking experience.

2023/2024 Projects

We have upgraded Stockton Street traffic signals to allow pedestrian scrambles and wider crossings.

2024/2025 Projects

Traffic and parking upgrades - We have installed parking meters along the Nelson Bay Foreshore.

We have formalised the car park from Nelson Bay to Ngioka Car Park, Little Beach.

Due to limited funding and internal borrowing, we've had to defer pavement marking on Magnus, Yaccaaba and Stockton Streets in Nelson Bay until the 24/25 financial year.

New signage will be installed in late 2024 to help visitors navigate Nelson Bay's Town Centre and Foreshore.

The new signs will provide information about parking locations and replace existing electronic parking signs.

This change was requested by the Nelson Bay business community to reduce ongoing maintenance costs and focus on improving the town centre and implementing the Nelson Bay Public Domain Plan.

Scheduling and planning has commenced.

APEX Park/Visitor Information Centre - Formalise perimeter footpath, adjustment to pedestrian access ramps and widening stairs.

We are proposing a new car park at 48A Stockton Street Worimi Park, including the area around 48A Stockton Street.

2025/2026 Projects

Nelson Bay's main car park on Teramby Road is undergoing rehabilitation to improve accessibility and safety.

This incorporates the public domain upgrades from the Nelson Bay Public Domain Plan.

The Stockton Street Large Vision project is a significant initiative aimed at revitalising the Stockton Street precinct in Nelson Bay.

2026/2027 Projects

The Fly Point dive site will undergo path and access improvements to enhance visitor experience and safety.

Stage 1 of the car park reconstruction at Little Beach boat ramp car park will start.