Nelson Bay Smart Parking

Nelson Bay Smart Parking

In 2020 smart parking was introduced to Nelson Bay CBD and has, more recently, been extended to include Little Beach. Smart parking is designed to improve the turn-over of parking spaces to create more equitable access to parking. Smart parking also provides a revenue stream to support local infastructure projects.

The existing resident and business Park Free Permit Scheme currently used in Nelson Bay has been extended to include paid parking at Little Beach. Similarly, parking guidance and payment apps have been extended to the Little Beach area as shown below.

The Smart Parking Infrastructure Plans are developed in partnership with the community to identify how the funds will be spent.

Revenue from Little Beach Smart Parking will help to fund projects in the Nelson Bay precinct.

Little Beach Smart Parking Map

Nelson Bay Precinct Smart Parking Infrastructure Projects

Installation of parking meters along Nelson Bay Foreshore. This is scheduled for completion in 2023/2024.

Pavement marking on Magnus, Yaccaba and Stockton Streets, Nelson Bay. This is scheduled for completion in 2023/2024.

Car park formalisation to Ngioka car park, Little Beach. This is scheduled for completion in 2023/2024.

Installation of wayfinding signage and controls along Nelson Bay Foreshore and in Nelson Bay Town Centre.

New signs are being installed in July 2024 to help improve wayfinding and provide information about parking locations in the town centre and surrounds.

The electronic parking signs are being replaced by these new signs on recommendation from the Nelson Bay business community. It was preferred that the ongoing costs of the electronic signs be redirected to funding improvements to the town centre and the implementation of the Nelson Bay Public Domain Plan.

Rehabilitation to the Main  car park on Teramby Road, Nelson Bay. This is scheduled for completion in 2025/2026.

Path and access upgrades to occur to the Fly Point dive site access.

Stage 1 of the car park reconstruction at Little Beach boat ramp car park. This is scheduled for 2026/2027.

This includes the public domain upgrades as outlined in the Nelson Bay Public Domain Plan.