Gan Gan Road, One Mile

Temporary road closure along a section of Gan Gan Road, One Mile.

The works are scheduled to begin from 15 October 2018 until 14 December 2018, weather and ground conditions permitting.

These works will involve shoulder widening, resurfacing and guardrail installation. The works have been funded under the RMS's 'Towards Zero' program and are designed to reduce the number of fatalities on regional roads.

A temporary traffic detour will be in place for the duration of the works. Traffic travelling to or from Nelson Bay will be detoured along Frost Road and Nelson Bay Road. Please see map below showing detours in place.

The temporary detour will be in place to provide:

  • Safer conditions for workers due to reduced traffic conflict;
  • Less rework of road sub-surface following vehicle movements; and
  • Overall reduced time and therefore cost of project to tax payers.

We understand that this project may have ramifications on your travel arrangements during this period and we regret any inconvenience caused by these works. Your cooperation is very much appreciated and will help Council provide you with a better road.

Should you have any queries during the works please contact our customer service team on (02) 4980 0255 who will direct your call.