Animals and pets

Owning a pet is a rewarding experience, but it's important to know your responsibilities. Find out how to register and microchip your pet, what your responsibilities are in caring for your animal and information about our refuge services.

If you want to take you dog to one of our great dog park around Port Stephens, visit our dog parks page.

Register your pet

The microchipping and lifetime registration scheme helps authorities in returning lost or injured animals to their owners. Once microchipped and registered, your pet is protected for life.

Cats and dogs in NSW must be permanently identified by microchipping by the time the animal is 12 weeks old under the Companion Animals Act.

Once the animal is microchipped, these identification details are entered into the NSW Companion Animal Register. A certificate is then issued to the owner with the identification details. If this has not occurred you can a Vet or Authorised Identifier can complete a Verification of Existing Microchip Form.

Register Online

To register your pet online, please visit You'll need to have your driver’s licence, passport or Medicare card handy to create your Pet Registry account.

A how-to guide can be found here.

Once you have your account set up, you can:

  • pay appropriate Lifetime Registration fees
  • update your address or phone number details
  • transfer ownership to a new owner
  • report your pet lost/found
Registration assistance

If you have troubles registering your pet through the Council can assist you with your registration.

You’ll need to complete a Lifetime Registration Online Form. Please read the first page of this form to ensure you have the relevant information to complete the form eg: Proof of de-sexing paperwork, change of ownership details (if applicable).

Owners responsibility

It's the pet owner’s responsibility to ensure the details on the NSW Pet Registry are up to date. If you're selling or giving away your cat or dog, you need to transfer the animal to the new owner on the NSW Pet Registry. You must update the NSW Pet Registry if any of the following circumstances occur:

Penalties may apply if any of the above details are not updated or correct.


  • Dog - Registration fee (by 12 weeks or when sold if earlier then 12 weeks) - $78
  • Dog - Additional fee (not desexed by 6 months) - $184
  • Dog – Registration combined fee (for not desexing by 6 months) - $262
  • Dog - Desexed (eligible pensioner) - $34
  • Dog - Desexed (sold by pound/shelter) - $0
  • Dog - Not Desexed (not recommended) - $78
  • Dog - Not Desexed (not recommended - pensioner) - $34
  • Dog - Not Desexed (recognised breeder) - $78
  • Dog - Working - $0
  • Dog - Service of the State - $0
  • Assistance Animal - $0


  • Cat - Registration Fee (by 12 weeks or when sold if earlier than 12 weeks) - $68
  • Cat - Desexed (eligible pensioner) - $34
  • Cat - Desexed (sold by pound/shelter) - $0
  • Cat - Not Desexed (not recommended) - $68
  • Cat - Not Desexed (not recommended - pensioner) - $34
  • Cat - Not Desexed (recognised breeder) - $68

A late fee is applicable if a registration is not paid for by 28 days after the registration requirement of 6 months of age - $22

Annual Permits required for:

  • Cat – Annual permit (not desexed by 4 months of age) - $96
  • Dog - Dangerous dog - $230
  • Dog – Restricted - $230
  • Permit late fee - $22

Pet owner responsibilities

  • If your dog is in a public place, it must be under the effective control of a competent person by means of an adequate chain or leash. The exceptions to this are: dogs exhibited at a show or engaging in obedience or agility trials or a dog secured in a cage or in an approved off-leash area.
  • If your dog is being exercised in an approved off-leash area it must always be under effective control of a competent person.
  • You are not permitted to walk more than 4 dogs at any one time in an on-leash or an off-leash area.
  • Greyhounds that are registered are exempt from wearing a muzzle in a public place (must be on a lead like any other dog). However, a greyhound must wear a muzzle in a declared off-leash area unless it has completed an approved greyhound re-training program and either:
    • the greyhound is wearing an approved collar, or
    • the person in charge of the greyhound is in possession of a proof of completion card certifying that the greyhound has successfully completed the program.
  • If your dog defecates in a public place, it is an offence not to remove the faeces.
  • Dogs are prohibited in children's play areas, food preparation/consumption areas, recreation areas, public bathing areas, school grounds, child care centres, shopping areas and wildlife protection areas.

  • In accordance with the Companion Animals Act all cats in NSW must be microchipped and registered before the cat is 6 months of age.  Cats that are desexed prior to registration are eligible for a discounted one off lifetime registration fee.
  • In NSW an annual permit is required for cats that have not been desexed by 4 months of age.
  • You are required to ensure that your cat stays out of restricted areas including food preparation and wildlife protection areas.
  • You are encouraged to keep you cats contained at home, especially during dusk and night time, to reduce unwanted breeding, spread of diseases, the risk of them becoming lost or injured through encounters with cars and other animals and to protect native wildlife.
  • You must take responsibility for the cat if it is roaming outside your property. A cat that repeatedly damages anything outside the property where it usually lives or makes persistent, excessive noise can be declared a nuisance pet under the Companion Animals Act and penalties may apply.

Operating hours and contact details for Port Stephens Animals Refuge, opening Tuesday 1 October 2024:

Port Stephens Animal Refuge

Address: 267B Woodberry Road, Millers Forest, NSW 2324

Phone: 0468 858 156

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9 to 11am, and then 2 to 5pm (closed between 11am and 2pm).

Saturdays: 9 to 11am.

Sundays and public holidays: Closed.

Keeping chickens

Even if you're just raising a few hens for eggs and entertainment, good biosecurity practices are crucial. Healthy hens are happy hens, and strong biosecurity helps keep you and your family healthy too.

By keeping your feathered friends feed and water clean, away from wild birds and rodents, and preventing contact with potentially risky water sources like ponds, you're creating a safe haven for your flock. Plus, a little netting goes a long way in keeping everyone where they belong! Remember, happy and healthy chickens are the best kind.

To ensure the well-being of both chickens and the community, it is essential to adhere to specific guidelines.

  • Poultry must not be kept under conditions that create a nuisance or pose a risk to public health.
  • Poultry yards must be maintained in a clean and odor-free state.

There are restrictions on the proximity of poultry to residential dwellings, public buildings, and food establishments.

  • Fowls (chickens and guinea fowl) must be kept at least 4.5 meters away from such premises, while other poultry must be kept at least 30 meters away.
  • Poultry houses must have concrete or mineral asphalt flooring under roosts or perches, unless they are situated on clean sand or that are not within 15.2 metres of a dwelling, public hall or school.

To prevent the escape of poultry, yards must be adequately enclosed.

Adhering to these guidelines helps to maintain a harmonious balance between chicken keeping and community wellbeing.

Dangerous or noisy animals

Nearly all dogs will bark for various reasons and this alone does not make the noise unreasonable or offensive. The noise needs to be at such a level and frequency as to have a detrimental effect on your normal daily activities.

Excessive dog barking can be caused by many things. Some of the most practical and common ways to reduce dogs barking may include:

  • reducing the number of dogs kept on the premises according to your specific circumstances
  • restricting dogs visibility to the outside of the property, such as solid or opaque fences
  • increasing the dog's exercise regime
  • undertaking dog training
  • toys, bones and other devices to entertain dogs during waking hours
  • citronella or similar collars can help train the dog when you are not around to do the training
  • some dogs may have anxiety that can only be controlled with prescribed medication.

Often there is no single solution to controlling your dog's barking — it may take a combination of measures to get it to an acceptable level. In some cases, you may need to seek professional help from your local vet or a dog behaviour specialist.

The noise control page outlines what you need to do in order to make a complaint about a noisy animal.

Please call Council immediately about dog attacks on (02) 4988 0255. If you are calling after office hours, please follow the prompts for the on call Ranger.

A dog attack is considered to have occurred if; a dog rushes at, attacks, bites, harasses or chases any person or animal (other than vermin), whether or not any injury is caused to the person or animal.

All dog attacks should be reported to Council. Council officers thoroughly investigate reports of dog attack and this may result in serious consequences. The minimum on the spot fine for a dog attack is $1,320. For a dog that is not under effective control in a public place the fine is $330.

Reporting a dog attack

In order for Rangers to quickly investigate a dog attack, Council require as much information regarding the incident as possible. Including but not limited to the following;

  • Date, time and location of incident
  • Description of incident – the dog chased, rushed at, harassed and/or bit
  • Description of dog/s - breed, size, colour, identifying features
  • Address where dog resides – if known
  • Dog owner details – if known

If you do not report a dog attack incident nothing can be done to prevent it happening again. This could put others in danger.

A person reporting a dog attack will be requested to make a formal statement to support the allegation of the attack. Council may rely on this statement to proceed with formal action such as the issue of Penalty Infringement Notices and/or Menacing and Dangerous Dog orders. If a formal statement is not made of the incident  the action that can be taken by Council is very limited. An incident where no statement is taken means no incident will go on the dogs file.

First statement = ‘first offence’ and action will be taken accordingly.

Council’s general process for a dog attack investigation.
  1. Council receives a customer request
  2. Customer request is then sent to the appropriate officer
  3. Witness statement/s collected and evidence gathered
  4. Interview conducted with alleged attacking dog’s owner
  5. Appropriate enforcement action taken (based on evidence/history of dog/severity)
  6. If appropriate, incident is entered into the NSW Companion Animal Register
  7. Customer informed that action has been taken and the matter finalised.

The following dogs are considered "restricted dogs" under the Companion Animals Act 1998:

  • American pit bull terrier or pit bull terrier
  • Japanese tosa
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Brasileiro
  • any other dog of a breed, kind or description whose importation into Australia is prohibited by or under the Customs Act 1901
  • any dog declared by a council to be a restricted dog
  • any other dog of a breed, kind or description prescribed by state regulations

Council may issue a Notice of Intention to declare a dog to be restricted dog if it is of the opinion that a dog:

  • is of a breed or kind of dog referred to from above, OR
  • is a cross-breed of any such breed or kind of dog

Owners of dogs declared Dangerous, Menacing or Restricted must obey certain control requirements that may include, but are not limited to;

  • The dog must be desexed and lifetime registered
  • The dog must be kept in an enclosure, wear a distinctive collar and display ‘Warning Dangerous Dog' signs as prescribed by the Companion Animals Regulation 2018.
  • The dog must wear a muzzle and be on leash when outside its enclosure
  • The owner must inform Council of any change of address

As part of Council's responsibility under the Companion Animals Act 1998, regular inspections are carried out by Council to ensure that all requirements are being complied with. Heavy penalties apply for non-compliance.

If you have any questions on the above please call Council on (02) 4988 0255.