Disaster support for Port Stephens after severe storms

19 January 2025

A natural disaster declaration has been made for Port Stephens following severe thunderstorms and intense rainfall that impacted the regions between January 15 and January 17. This means practical support and financial assistance are available to help you get back on your feet.

There's a range of assistance options available for individuals, primary producers and small business, sporting clubs and not-for-profit organisations.

Find out what financial assistance you’re eligible for at Service NSW, disasterassistance.service.nsw.gov.au or phone 13 77 88.

Individual assistance

  • Immediate assistance such as emergency accommodation.
  • Grants for low income, uninsured residents to replace lost essential household items to maintain basic standard of living.
  • Grants for low income, uninsured residents to undertake essential structural repairs to homes damaged by the disaster event.

Primary producers and small businesses

  • Concessional loans up to $130,000
  • Transport subsidies up to $15,000

Sporting and recreation clubs

  • Concessional loans up to $10,000
  • Grant up to $2,000

Not-for-profit organisations

  • Concessional loans up to $25,000

You may also be eligible for an Ausgrid food spoilage claim of up to $250 due to power outages. Visit ausgrid.com.au/Contact-Us/Make-a-claim-Step-1.

If your personal property is damaged, contact your insurance company. For advice and guidance, contact the Insurance Council of Australia hotline at 1800 734 621.

Recovering from a disaster

Recovering from a disaster is a complex process that may take months, even years to overcome. After a major disaster, government authorities and service agencies coordinate recovery operations to help communities recover.

We support emergency services in managing and responding to local natural disasters and emergencies. Our role after an emergency is to lead clean-up efforts and coordinate repairs to public assets like roads, parks, drainage, and trees.

How to help after a disaster

  • Check on your neighbours, friends and family following and see if there is anything you can do to assist.
  • Volunteer to help out in your local community — check with your local recovery committee to see what needs to be done.
  • Donations can assist disaster affected communities — make sure it's a legitimate charity before you donate money. If you intend to donate goods, ensure the affected community needs them.

Read more important information for residents from the NSW SES