Port Stephens Councillors and General Manager to connect with locals
14 July 2023
Council’s General Manager Tim Crosdale said the Catch Ups are a great way for the community to meet and chat with Council staff, in a friendly and informal setting.
“This is your chance to chat to your elected Councillors about what’s happening in your community, or ask any questions you might have,” said Mr Crosdale.
“It’s also a great chance for us to share what Council is up to, and how we’re addressing community priorities,” he added.
“I’m excited to meet members of the community, and other Council staff will also be on hand to meet residents, share information, and hear feedback. As the General Manager, this is a great opportunity for me to get out into the community and hear from our locals,’ Mr Crosdale said.
“I look forward to hearing from those at the heart of our community about the topics that are important to them, and how we at Council can continue to work together with the community,” he added.
The first session will be held on Monday 17 July at Stockton Street Nelson Bay, from 12.30pm to 2pm. East Ward Councillors will be in attendance, alongside Council staff.
Sessions will also be held on:
- Wednesday 19 July,3pm to 4pm at Anna Bay Shopping Centre for Central Ward
- Monday 31 July, 10.30am to 12pm at the Raymond Terrace Marketplace for West Ward
The community can also contact Port Stephens Councillors directly at portstephens.nsw.gov.au/mayor-and-councillors