Port Stephens Council General Manager journeys into retirement

Friday 27 May 2022

Port Stephens General Manager Wayne Wallis has resigned from Port Stephens Council to start his journey into retirement.

General Manager Wayne Wallis

Mr Wallis said he’s stepping down from full time employment with mixed emotions.

“I will have completed 43 years of service in the local government industry this month and I’m especially proud of my past 13 years at Port Stephens Council and what we’ve achieved as an organisation,” Mr Wallis said.

Port Stephens Council employs almost 600 staff, and delivers more than 50 individual services across the Port Stephens community.

“I’m very grateful for the opportunity to lead Port Stephens Council. It’s been a great pleasure to work with many of the best people in local government – a team with a strong work ethic, and culture of always striving for better outcomes for its community. It has truly been a great place to work,” he added.

Mayor Ryan Palmer said that under Mr Wallis’ leadership, Port Stephens has grown from strength to strength.

“Over the past decade we've seen our community grow and flourish – there's been investment in new infrastructure, improved services and innovative investments which have made Port Stephens Council one of the leading local government organisations across the state,” Mayor Palmer said.

“More recently, we’ve seen investment in the development of new plans and strategies that will shape the future design and direction of Port Stephens for years to come,” he added.

Mr Wallis expressed his sincere appreciation to the elected representatives of Port Stephens.

“I’m very thankful to my elected colleagues for the opportunities and challenges they have afforded me during my tenure as General Manager. As expected in any political environment, there are the occasional disagreements about how matters could be progressed however, on all significant issues there was always agreement and support,” Mr Wallis said.

“I trust that my endeavours over the years have in some small way helped us to meet the many demands and expectations of our community. This is an opportunity to begin a new chapter and I’m excited about what this new chapter will bring,” he added.

Mr Wallis will finish at Port Stephens Council on Friday 26 August 2022.