Flood mitigation works, Medowie

Port Stephens Council are planning to undertake important flood mitigation works at 6a and 8 Ballat Close, Medowie.

Port Stephens Council has recently voluntarily purchased 8 Ballat Close, Medowie. This property has suffered significant flooding in the past as documented in the Medowie Flood Risk Management Study and Plan. This plan recommended that Port Stephens Council should voluntarily purchase this site as it was expected the flooding would continue to be above the dwellings floor levels despite any possible engineering solutions.

Council applied and were successful in obtaining a grant from the Office of Environment and Heritage to assist with the purchase of this property.

Next steps:

As the owner of 8 Ballat Close, Port Stephens Council has funding to undertake some major works at the site.

Stage 1:

  • includes demolishing and removing the existing dwelling and structures at 8 Ballat Close, and some earthworks and minor vegetation clearing on both 6A and 8 Ballat Close. A qualified contractor for these works will be engaged shortly. It is expected that these works will begin prior to Christmas and be completed by early 2019.

Stage 2:

  • includes developing a concept engineering design of the flood mitigation works which will include a detention basin designed specifically for this site. A detention basin will enable flood waters to be constrained during periods of significant rainfall. The detention basin will not only be aimed to assist neighbouring properties in Ballat close but to help amerliorate downstream effects during flooding events.
  • It is anticipated that the detention basin will require some significant excavation. It is planned to reuse or recycle the excavated materials primarily clay, at a still to be determined appropriate location.
  • The flood mitigation works will be designed to minimise the impact on any Koala food trees and hollow bearing trees on the site. It is also planned that the detention basin areas will be revegetated with suitable species to help the site fit into the local residential area.

Stage 3:

  • includes the construction phase of the project. The details of the construction period will be determined once the engineering concept and design are complete.

Contact us:

Council will keep you informed through the project.

Drainage and flooding engineering team: