Council agendas and minutes 2017

12 December 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes Part A pg 1-186

Published 14/02/2018

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12 December 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes Part B pg 187-385

Published 14/02/2018

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12 December 2017 TABLED DOCUMENT ITEM 5 3. Traffic & Transport Update, GHD, 2017

Published 08/12/2017

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12 December 2017 - TABLED DOCUMENT ITEM 5 2. Draft 'Progressing the Nelson Bay Town Centre.

Published 07/12/2017

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12 December 2017 - TABLED DOCUMENT ITEM 5 1. Summary of Submissions

Published 07/12/2017

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12 December 2017 - TABLED DOCUMENT ITEM 5 4. FSR Feasibility Report, HillPDA, 20017

Published 07/12/2017

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12 December 2017 TABLED DOCUMENT - ITEM 12 Williamtown Salt Ash Flood Risk Management Study and Plan 2017

Published 07/12/2017

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12 December 2017 TABLED DOCUMENT - ITEM 20 Code of Meeting Practice draft 061217

Published 07/12/2017

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28 November 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes

Published 29/11/2017

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Tabled Document 28 November 2017 - Info Item 1 - Destination Port Stephens Annual Report 2016-2017

Published 23/11/2017

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Tabled Document 28 November 2017 - Item 8 PSC Annual Report 2016-2017 volume 2

Published 23/11/2017

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Tabled Document 28 November 2017 - Item 8 PSC Annual Report 2016-2017 volume 1

Published 23/11/2017

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Tabled Document 28 November 2017 - Item 8 PSC Annual Report 2016-2017 volume 3

Published 23/11/2017

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14 November 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes

Published 15/11/2017

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Tabled Document 14 November 2017 Item 1 2016-2017 Annual Financial Statements

Published 08/11/2017

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24 October 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes

Published 25/10/2017

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10 October 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes

Published 11/10/2017

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26 September 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes

Published 09/10/2017

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1 August 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes - PART B pg 202-405

Published 16/08/2017

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1 August 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes - PART A pg 1-201

Published 16/08/2017

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8 August 2017 - Extra Ordinary Council Minutes

Published 09/08/2017

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1 August 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART C pg 140-182

Published 28/07/2017

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1 August 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART D.1 pg 183-280

Published 28/07/2017

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1 August 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART D.2 pg 281-367

Published 28/07/2017

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1 August 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART E pg 368-415

Published 28/07/2017

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1 August 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART F pg 416-568

Published 28/07/2017

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1 August 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART B pg 107-139

Published 28/07/2017

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1 August 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART A pg 1-106

Published 28/07/2017

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25 July 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes.

Published 26/07/2017

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25 July 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART F pg 414-566

Published 21/07/2017

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25 July 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART E pg 366-413

Published 21/07/2017

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25 July 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART D pg 329-365

Published 21/07/2017

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25 July 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART C pg 182-327

Published 21/07/2017

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25 July 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART B pg 106-181

Published 21/07/2017

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25 July 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover PART A pg 1-105

Published 21/07/2017

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11 July 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes Part B pg 139-214

Published 13/07/2017

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11 July 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes Part A pg 1-138

Published 13/07/2017

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11 July 2017 - Ordinary Council Agenda - attachments under separate cover

Published 06/07/2017

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27 June 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes - PART A pg 1-99

Published 28/06/2017

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27 June 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes - PART B pg 100-267

Published 28/06/2017

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13 June 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes - PART A pg 1-171

Published 15/06/2017

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13 June 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes - PART B pg 172-199

Published 15/06/2017

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23 May 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes

Published 24/05/2017

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9 May 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes - PART C pg 104-246

Published 11/05/2017

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9 May 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes - PART B pg 38-103

Published 11/05/2017

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9 May 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes - PART A pg 1-37

Published 11/05/2017

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9 May 2017 - Tabled Document Item 2 Business Case Koala Hospital Eco Tourism Facility

Published 08/05/2017

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9 May 2017 - Tabled Document Item 8 355(c) Committee Draft Terms of Reference

Published 04/05/2017

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9 May 2017 - Tabled Document Item 8 355(c) Committee Current Schedules of Constitution

Published 04/05/2017

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9 May 2017 - Tabled Document Item 8 355(c) Committee Proposed Terms of Reference Appendices

Published 04/05/2017

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11 April 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes PART B pg 105-180

Published 12/04/2017

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11 April 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes PART A pg 1-104

Published 12/04/2017

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28 March 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes

Published 30/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - SAMP Maps - Skate Parks

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - SAMP Maps - Sports Facilities

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - SAMP Maps - Surf Lifesaving Facilities

Published 23/03/2017

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Ordinary Council Agenda - 28 March 2017 Attachments under separate cover

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - DRAFT Fees and Charges 2017-2018

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - DRAFT Integrated Plans 2013-2023

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - SAMP Maps - Public Amenities

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - DRAFT Long Term Financial Plan 2017-2027

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - SAMP Maps - Aquatic Centres

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - SAMP Maps - Cemeteries

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - SAMP Maps - Community Facilities

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - SAMP Maps - Emergency Services

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - SAMP Maps - Libraries

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - SAMP Maps - Playgrounds

Published 23/03/2017

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Tabled Document 28 March 2017 - DRAFT Strategic Asset Management Plan (SAMP) 2017-2027

Published 23/03/2017

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28 February 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes - PART C pg 185-274

Published 01/03/2017

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28 February 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes - PART B pg 108-184

Published 01/03/2017

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28 February 2017 - Ordinary Council Minutes - PART A pg 1-107

Published 01/03/2017

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14 February 2017 Ordinary Council Minutes - PART A pg 1-150

Published 15/02/2017

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14 February 2017 Ordinary Council Minutes - PART B pg 151-220

Published 15/02/2017

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