Waste management facilities

Community Recycling Centre (CRC) at Transfer Station CLOSED until further notice

Due to a fire at a Cleanaway recycling facility in St Mary’s, Council’s Community Recycling Centre (CRC) at Salamander Bay Waste Transfer Station is closed until further notice

Most NSW councils (and Community Recycling Centres) are affected by this event, meaning that all problem waste such as paints and gas bottles can’t be collected by the contractor and licencing does not allow for additional storage of these items onsite.

Thank you for your patience and we request that you hold onto your paints and other problem wastes until we can reopen.

The situation is expected to be resolved within a month and our July chemical CleanOut event should go ahead as normal.

The Salamander Bay Waste Transfer Station is still operating as normal and can still accept e-Waste

Sorry, NO paints or problem waste until further notice.

Please check for updates here before planning to attend the CRC at Salamander Bay

There are two waste facilities in Port Stephens that accept most types of waste that cannot be placed in red or yellow bins.

Salamander Bay Waste Transfer Station

4 Tarrant Rd Salamander Bay
Phone: 02 4988 0690

Monday - Friday7.15am to 3.30pm
Sunday (including 24 and 31 December 2023)8am to 2pm
Public holidaysClosed

Download: Salamander Bay Waste Transfer Station Fees and Charges 2024 to 2025

All vehicles will be weighted on their way in and out of the transfer station. You will pay by weight and there will be a minimum fee for all vehicles.

Salamander Bay Waste Transfer Station accepts the following household quantities of problem waste, for free, all year round:

  • Household recycling
  • Cardboard and paper
  • Metals
  • Paint
  • Car batteries
  • Motor oil
  • Electronic waste
  • Gas bottles

The following waste types are accepted, but incur a fee. Please refer to the current Fees and Charges document under the cost tab.

  • General waste
  • Green waste
  • Tyres
  • Mattresses
  • Construction and demolition waste
  • Old furniture items
  • Polystyrene

We encourage residents to enquire with a second-hand shop if items are in good reusable condition.

The following waste is not accepted:

Veolia Resource Recovery Park

Newline Road, Raymond Terrace
Ph: 02 4983 4100

The Veolia Raymond Terrace Resource Recovery Park is a privately run commercially operated waste site located on Newline Road. It is managed by Veolia.

Monday to Friday6am to 4.30pm
Saturday8am to 3.30pm

All vehicles are weighed in and out to calculate the net weight disposed. Weight is rounded to the nearest 20kg.

For up to date fees and charges for this private facility please contact Veolia on 1300 651 116.

Community recycling centres

These items can be dropped off for free at Salamander Bay Waste Transfer Station, Community Recycling Centre or at a Chemical Clean Out.

Find out where your nearest Community Recycling Centre is and what items are accepted.

Additional information:

  • If you regularly have excess waste you may like to commence an additional service. Contact us to find out more.
  • The Financial Assistance Program allows charitable, not for profit and benevolent organisations to dispose of waste at no cost to the organisation. Complete the Financial Assistance Application online to apply.

As per license requirements, any complaints related to the operation of Salamander Bay Waste Transfer Station License No. 13267 can be made via Council's complaint line 02 4988 0255.